School Priorities 2023-2025



Priority 1

Priority 1: Attendance, aiming for Pre-pandemic standards (95%+)

  • Robustly embed school-wide processes to enable all staff, parents and pupils to support better attendance and sensitively reduce barriers to attendance with a particular emphasis on the disadvantaged, pupils with SEND and those open to social care.
Priority 2       

Priority 2: Aspirationally raising achievement in English across the school

  • Rapidly improve achievement in phonics and reading .
  • Develop and embed a school wide approach to the teaching of all aspects of English.
  • Raised expectations in writing across the curriculum with particular emphasis on improving mark making to assist more children attain GLD at end of Reception, punctuation in KS1 and writing at length in KS2
  • Rapid progress from on entry data meeting and/or exceeding national standards.
Priority 3

Priority 3: Raise attainment and accelerate pupil progress in Mathematics ensuring value added progress is achieved overtime and national standards are met and/or exceeded.

  • Broaden and master calculation, problem solving and reasoning knowledge and skills to ensure that age related expectations for maths are achieved. 
  • Rapid progress from on entry data meeting and/or exceeding national standards
  • Opportunities and experiences in mathematics effectively underpin high standard of achievement through appropriate challenge for all pupils regardless of prior attainment.
Priority 4

Priority 4: Curriculum Development

  • Broad and balanced curriculum with subject specific integrity. Subject specific coherently sequenced pedagogical, knowledge rich learning. Pupil outcomes in line with or above national expectations.
Priority 5

Priority 5: Assessment

  • Assessment /ARE demonstrates the raised expectations of the school. 
  • System of assessment through Insight Tracking and PiXL in place and an embedded part of practice.
  • Staff consistently and confidently apply common assessment criteria enabling accurate attainment and progress to be demonstrated within year and over time, in school and across SEBMAT, including other local schools.
Priority 6

Priority 6: Leadership

  • Build leadership capacity to ensure effective succession planning.
  • Focus on rapid progress and sustainability ensuring effective distributed leadership in the school.
  • Grow and build transitionary leadership capacity within the school including governance to ensure continuous effective and sustainable succession planning in the development of future leaders.
  • Actively raise the profile of the school within the locality, steadily increasing numbers on roll to secure the future and sustainability of the school for local provision.