Hedgehogs - Year 2 Class
Welcome to Hedgehogs Class Page. We are a class of Year 2 children. We hope that you will find this webpage useful as we share all there is to know about Year 2.
- Staff information
- Reminders
- What are we learning about this term?
- Reading
- Homework
- Useful websites
- Useful documents
Staff information
Our class teachers are Mrs Ford who teaches Monday- Wednesday am and Mrs Horton who teaches Wednesday pm– Friday. Our class teaching assistants are Mrs Seaman, Miss Morgan and Mrs White. Mrs Horton really enjoys music and loves to bake in her free time. Mrs Ford enjoys teaching English and in her free time likes to spend time with her family, especially playing games with her two young children. Mrs Seaman is a skilled florist and likes to make candle and wax melts, Miss Morgan loves Yoga and baking and Mrs White enjoys crafting!
- Always remember to bring in your home/school diary each day.
- Read your reading book each night to become a reading superstar! Remember to get this signed by an adult.
- Name all your belongings, it is helpful when you need to find things like your jumper or coat.
- Bring in a water bottle daily, learning is thirsty work!
- Bring in a healthy snack at break time such as fruit or vegetables.
- Be punctual each day, every moment of the day counts!
- Complete your homework when it is given, this will help your learning in school.
What are we learning about this term?
Our core learning this term in English is based around 2 texts called We are the water protectors by Carole Lindstrom and Dear Earth by Isabel Otter and Clara Anganuzzi. Each unit will begin with a ‘hook’ lesson to capture our imagination. As we read each text we will learn about environmental issues around the world, marine animals and how to create a factual piece of writing and get creative creating poems. We will be developing our understanding of verbs, imperative verbs and adjectives and how to use these creatively in a composition. In Maths, we will be deepening our knowledge of the place value of digits in numbers. We will do this by partitioning and flexibly partitioning numbers as well as adding and subtracting 2-digit numbers.
This term our topic is ‘The Great Fire of London’, (one of Mrs Ford, Mrs Seaman and Mrs Horton’s personal favourites!). We will be exploring why this was a significant event in British history and important individuals at the time such as Charles II and Samuel Pepys. We will consider why the fire in London stayed alight for so long and in Science, we will be investigating different materials and their suitability for different objects. Continuing with our history theme, in Art we will be looking at creating a ‘flame picture’ using chalks, black paper and collage material to create fire pictures. Later in the term we will be using junk modelling to build house models which we will set alight to create our very own Pudding Lane!
In RE, we will be exploring the religion Hinduism and thinking about what Hindus celebrate throughout their life. During PSCHE we will create our class charter which will form the basis for all our circle time sessions and how we support each other over the year. In Music we will be learning the song ‘Hands, feet, heart’ and exploring the component of a piece of music.
Finally, in PE we will be thinking about different footwork and developing one leg balances on a Monday with Mrs Ford and developing our throwing and catching skills on a Friday with Mrs Horton.
In Year 2 you will have access to a range of reading material that will help you to develop different reading skills. Each book is designed to develop a different area of reading.
You will have a:
Phonics Book Bag Book - A phonics book linked to the sounds you are learning.
Ebook - A phonics e-book linked to the books you are reading in phonics.
A PM Benchmarking book - Linked to your comprehension skills.
A library book – Chosen by you from the library bus to share with a grown up at home.
We follow a scheme called Read Write Inc Phonics to learn to read and write. Please watch this video for more information: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjlPILhk7bQ
year 2's staff book recommendations
Homework will always be an activity that is linked to something we are learning in school or need a little bit more practice with. You will receive:
Spelling homework – a selection of spellings to read and spell
Reading homework – Book bag book, e-book, comprehension book and library book
Maths – Activities to work on at home to improve your maths knowledge
Useful websites
https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button - Practice your number facts here
https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page - Log in to read a wide range of ebooks
https://ictgames.com/ - Play a wide range of Maths and English games